BARAKOA PROJECT «Barakoa del Suajili Mascarilla.» Document Barakoa Project Collaborate with the project Location and date 1-10 May, 2020 Marangu, Arusha, Tanzania. Community east of Moshi, within the Arusha region, northern and tourist capital of Tanzania. Divided...
YATIMA PROJECT Document Yatima Project Collaborate with the project Location and date May 11-20, 2020 Morombo, Dodoma, Tanzania, In this specific phase of the project we are dedicated to the «Yatima» project, here we want to support an orphanage in the town of Arusha,...
MNARANI PROJECT Mnarani means “place of the lighthouse” in Swahili. The Mnarani Aquarium, a sea turtle conservation project, was created to rehabilitate and study sea turtles that had been caught in fishing nets, and to protect local baby turtles. Document...
SIMOONGA PROJECT Simoonga Thandizani Trust School, starting point of the Zapas Limpias route, where the crowdfunding that started the whole project will be founded. Document SIMOONGA PROJECT Collaborate with the project Location and date March 18, 2020...
MASKARA PROJECT Document Maskara Project Collaborate with the project Location and date May, 2020. Cape Town, South Africa. Goal Provide 2,000 masks to Hangberg community, one for each favela inhabitant How do we do it? The leaders of the woman empowerment project...
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