La Moringa es un árbol que ofrece valiosos recursos nutricionales y energéticos, y destaca por sus propiedades medicinales: desde combatir la fatiga, el colesterol o procesos inflamatorios hasta evitar las infecciones.

Desde Meraki Bay hemos visto en la Moringa una oportunidad de utilizarla para fabricar barritas enérgeticas 100% ecológicas y beneficiosas para la salud.

The main objective is to generate a manufacturing and marketing network of bars that will generate work and a legal source of income for the community.
We invested 400€ initial to buy seeds, plant them in the orchard and buy the first materials to produce bars. More money will be needed in the future to encourage the marketing of bars.
The bars are already manufactured and sold in weekend markets and in local businesses; however, for the real success of the company you still need to set up a proper distribution network which will take time.